After installing Jetpack 5.0.2 - with manual setup (in recovery mode) - I get the following error:
Not exactly one NVIDIA Jetson device is connected with USB. For using default IPv4 address, please connect exactly one Jetson device.
This can be validated by running the ‘lsusb’ command on your host, and look for (NVIDIA Corp).
The above error happens after Ubuntu is up and running.
So the installation of Orin goes well but meet another issue about VPI on the host.
Is this correct?
trying to overwrite ‘/opt/nvidia/vpi2/lib64’, which is also in package python3.8-vpi2 2.0.14
Based on this error, it seems there are some issues when overwriting the VPI library from v2.0 into v2.1.
Could you try to manually remove the VPI 2.0 first?
[HOST Machine]
Removing/deleting/reboot/… did not work for me BUT reinstalling the system from scratch did work.
[TARGET - Jetson Orin Developer Kit]
However, SDK Manager get stuck on ‘TARGET COMPONENTS → Jetson SDK Components’ with multiple USB devices issue (as mentioned above) where it can’t find the target machine but the work around seems to be using Ethernet IP address (of Target Machine) instead of USB connection.
For the USB issue, if all the USB devices are the same modules (ex. Orin).
Please use the Ethernet IP method instead.
For the isaac_ros issue, the repository you used is still for JetPack 5 DP software. (r34.1).
Would you mind updating the base image into r35.1.0 and trying it again?
I am currently flashing the Orin dev kit, the flash of OS happens fine, but the components don’t install. Gives me the same issue as OP and choosing ethernet also repeatedly gives the USB connection issue.