We have a custom carrier board for the p3767-0005 module. The custom board is almost identical to the p3768 dev kit carrier board other than we’ve removed the eeprom, removed the USB hub, added an extra gigabit ethernet (LAN7430) and changed to HDMI.
This carrier board has been used with JetPack 5.1.1 with no issues. I’m now working with JP 6.0 and have added the LAN7430 driver back as a kernel module and am now working on switching to HDMI.
The same carrier board when I made the alterations for HDMI worked great with JP 5.1.1, showing as HDMI when attached to a 4K display:
I’ve attempted to make the changes to DP 6.0 using some of the helpful information found on these forums but I’m running into the edge of my knowledge and need some advice.
I’ve made my own conf file for my carrier board for flashing purposes.
The contents are such:
source "${LDK_DIR}/p3767_ondis.conf.common";
The contents of p3767_ondis.conf.common are identical to p3767.conf.common except I use a custom MB2_BCT file where cvb_eeprom_read_size is set to 0x0.
In my custom conf file I have used the files that would have been chosen through the standard p3768-0000-p3767-0000-a0.conf for the development board (confirmed by comparing flash logs).
I flash to NVMe and the system boots seemingly ok. However xrandr shows me on a small display:
Which makes me believe I have done something wrong in reconfiguring.
And on the large 4K display it shows me the same but a different resolution (not 4K):
I have attached dmesg and debug logs.
Thank you for any advice that could be given for my next steps.
dmesg.txt (59.8 KB)
debug_boot_log.txt (77.0 KB)