Hi I have tried installing Jetpack 6.2 on the NVME of my Orin Nano Dev Kit multiple times via the sdkmanager and sudo ./nvsdkmanager_flash.sh --storage nvme0n1p1. My preference is to use the flash script. I encounter the following error during Step 3: Start the Flashing Process. This error seems to be isolated to JP 6 flashes because I am able to flash JP 5.1.4 successfully!
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Device failed to boot to the initrd flash kernel. Please retrive the serial log during flashing to debug further.
Cleaning up...
My current set up is using an x86 based machine on Ubuntu 22.04. I am not using docker or any virtualization. I will also be attaching my serial log to this post.
Looks like the issue possibly has to do with USB interface/connectivity on the ubuntu 22.04 machine. I was able to successfully flash on another machine (Ubuntu 20.04). Any thoughts on how I could diagnose/debug this? I’m pretty sure it I’ve isolated the issue to the original machine I was using to flash since I was able to reproduce the error on a 2nd Jetson Orin Nano 8gb devkit I have.
It really strange that this is isolated to Orin Nano 8GB Devkit JP 6.2. I was able to flash JP6.2 on an Orin AGX on the original offending machine.
Seems like your another machine(Ubuntu 20.04) can flash Orin Nano successfully.
Do you use the same flashing cable? different flashing cable might lead to a issue.
Also, you could try when your serial log comes to
bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
unplug and plug the flashing cable and check whether comes to new logs.