JetPack freeze bug

There’s a very strange bug going on with JetPack (3.3).

JetPack will freeze at the following screen when attempting to install the extra packages.
(username edited out)

The last log file modified is _installer/logs/jetpack-debug.log with the last line being:

ssh -F /dev/null -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=30 <b>username</b>@<ipaddress>

Which works fine when copy/pasted into another terminal window with the corresponding username / ip address.

This bug only occurs on users other than ‘nvidia’ and only if that user already has a ~/.ssh folder.

From the user which you are using on your host, and from “sudo” of your host, try to connect manually on command line for both Jetson side accounts “nvidia” and “ubuntu”. Probably in some case it’ll want to know if you accept this unknown connection (and you’d need to answer “yes”):

ssh ubuntu@what_ever_IP_it_is
ssh nvidia@what_ever_IP_it_is
sudo ssh ubuntu@what_ever_IP_it_is
sudo ssh nvidia@what_ever_IP_it_is

…there may be combinations of source and destination accounts which are waiting for “yes” answer and you can’t see it. Once you answer “yes” it shouldn’t ask again unless something happens to the network.