Hi i buy jetson-10-1-h0. I wanted to conect IMX477 camera to this. I install driver like this
“sudo /opt/nvidia/jetson-io/jetson-io.py”
and choose IMX477 on both port. I get something like this
i check conection and plug camera to the rasberry pi 4 model B and its work properly. So its no problem with cable or camera! I tried to install driver like this:
“cd ~
wget https://github.com/ArduCAM/MIPI_Camera/releases/download/v0.0.3/install_full.sh
chmod +x install_full.sh
./install_full.sh -m imx477”
And i get something like this very similar to before [as a new user i cant sent more then one link in one topic, what a harmful rule] :
all drivers install work properly, and after install i always reboot. I made every step based on nvidia sites:
[without “www arducam com” -as a new user i cant sent more then one link in one topic, what a harmful rule] :