Jetson AGX Orin 32GB no Display on Custom Board

Hello there,

We are trying to bring up our custom board with AGX Orin 32GB and JetPack 5.0.2.

The following is our current configuration:

  • We are using DisplayPort
  • We have no EEPROM on the custom board, so we have made the following modification
  • We are using UPHY Configuration #2, so we made the following modification
  • We haven’t finished our device tree, so we are using the AGX Orin device tree.
  • Current debug UART is as follows
    debug_UEFI_LOG (183.9 KB)

We would be grateful if you would like to share your experience with making the DisplayPort work.

Thank you very much!

Please check if “nvgpu”, “nvidia” and “nvidia-modeset” are listed in your lsmod.

If they are, then pelase review your hardware design.

Hello Wayne,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, we have “nvgpu”, “nvidia” and “nvidia-modeset” listed in lsmod.

@WayneWWW We can get this screen with the NVIDIA logo while booting up on our custom board. But the screen turns black after the below progress bar goes to 100%.

Is there anything we should check first?



The UEFI screen does not mean your hardware is fine. 2 weeks ago another user could see their UEFI logo on their HDMI too.
But turns out their lanes were totally connected wrong so kernel side cannot dump.

UEFI is easily to bring up, but does not mean your hardware would be correct. I would say check the design guide document first.

Hello Wayne,

I just found out that when I plug and unplug the DisplayPort after booting into OS, I will get an error message in “dmesg” as follows:

NVRM rpcRmApiControl_dce: NVRM_RPC_DCE: Failed RM ctrl call cmd:0x731341 result 0xffff

Do you know what would be the possible cause?


The same error show up at R35.1 No camera image with imx390 camera - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson AGX Orin - NVIDIA Developer Forums, but seems no any related with your display issue.

We believe this is most likely hardware design problem.
There is no software chage needed if you just want to bring up DP.
Please check and review your HW design by referring to the design guide document first.


Hello Kay,

Thanks for the feedback. We have fixed this issue by updating the dcb to support only pure DP signal.


Hi @kaichu.wu

Sorry to ask this. But why do you need to update dcb? And how did you update the dcb here?
The original dcb from jetpack should already support the DP so I am not sure why you need to do it by yourself.

We are not experts on “dcb”, so it’s like a trial-and-error result.

We changed the “dcb” because we can’t bring up the DP on our custom board with “tegra234-dcb-p3701-0000-a02-p3737-0000-a01.dtsi”

Hence, we made a comparison between the original dcb in JP 5.0.2 , “tegra234-dcb-p3701-0000-a02-p3737-0000-a01.dtsi”, and the updated HDMI dcb you provided, “tegra234-dcb-p3701-0000-a02-p3737-0000-a01-hdmi-4-ga5.0.2.dtsi”, to help custom boards to bring up HDMI.

In “tegra234-dcb-p3701-0000-a02-p3737-0000-a01.dtsi”, there are two display devices, and “tegra234-dcb-p3701-0000-a02-p3737-0000-a01-hdmi-4-ga5.0.2.dtsi” only has 1 display device.

The former “dcb” will lead to a kernel error like the below:

[   26.208901] nvidia-modeset: Loading NVIDIA UNIX Open Kernel Mode Setting Drivv
er for aarch64  35.1.0  Release Build  (buildbrain@mobile-u64-5273-d7000)  Wed AA
ug 10 20:32:41 PDT 2022
[   26.208994] NVRM gpumgrGetSomeGpu: Failed to retrieve pGpu - Too early call!.
[   26.209000] NVRM nvAssertFailedNoLog: Assertion failed: NV_FALSE @ gpu_mgr.c::

So we use the “tegra234-dcb-p3701-0000-a02-p3737-0000-a01-hdmi-4-ga5.0.2.dtsi” as a basis, then modify the HDMI to DP.

Could you share the diff of your final dcb dts and original one?

Actually, those logs are not harmful and if you ever run orin devkit before, you would notice that even Orin devkit has this log too…

[   26.208994] NVRM gpumgrGetSomeGpu: Failed to retrieve pGpu - Too early call!.
[   26.209000] NVRM nvAssertFailedNoLog: Assertion failed: NV_FALSE @ gpu_mgr.c::

Thanks for your feedback! I didn’t realize the failed message is not harmful.

Let’s try to make it readable.


=== Reading DCB blob ===

########## Tegra DCB BLOB ###############
########### Display Devices #############
Display Devices::
	Display Devices : [0]
		Type               : [DP]
		CCB                : [0]
		Heads              : 0:[Y] 1:[Y]
		Sor                : [0 ]
		DP Lane Count      : [4]
		DP Link Rate       : [8.1GHz]
		Connector          : [0]
		Bus                : [0]
	Display Devices : [1]
		Type               : [TMDS]
		CCB                : [0]
		Heads              : 0:[Y] 1:[Y]
		Sor                : [0 ]
		HDMI capable       : [1]
		Connector          : [0]
		Bus                : [0]
############### CCB Entries ###############
*CCB entries that have both I2C and AUX ports unused (value = 31) are not displayed
	CCB Index : 0
		I2C Port           : [6]
		AUX Port           : [0]
########### Connector entries #############
	Connector Index : 0x0
		Type               : [DP]
		Hotplug            : A:[Y]
	Connector Index : 0x0
		Type               : [DP]
		Hotplug            : A:[Y]

################# ******* #################

Our modified dcb

########## Tegra DCB BLOB ###############
########### Display Devices #############
Display Devices::
	Display Devices : [0]
		Type               : [DP]
		CCB                : [0]
		Heads              : 0:[Y] 1:[Y]
		Sor                : [0 ]
		DP Lane Count      : [4]
		DP Link Rate       : [8.1GHz]
		Connector          : [0]
		Bus                : [0]
############### CCB Entries ###############
*CCB entries that have both I2C and AUX ports unused (value = 31) are not displayed
	CCB Index : 0
		I2C Port           : [6]
		AUX Port           : [0]
########### Connector entries #############
	Connector Index : 0x0
		Type               : [DP]
		Hotplug            : A:[Y]

################# ******* #################

Hi kaichu.wu,

So if you directly flash your custom board with original BSP from jetpack, then it won’t have DP screen,

but if you replace the dtb file with the one you patched, then it would work?

@WayneWWW Yes.