Jetson AGX Orin CPU usage


I wonder which peripheral can support on Jetson orin’s CPU

I know it has Arm A78, Can I use all periphreral that have?

also I wonder that other os except linux… can run on the jetson’s CPU

Thank you,
Regard Bongjin

Not sure what peripherial do you mean, please ne more specific of your use case.

No, we only provide the linux/ubuntu OS for Jetson platform.

Hello kayccc

For peripherial I meant this one, Tech brief got me the answer

also, I need RTOS for that, than Jetson Drive orin will be more fit for me ?
(RTOS like Vxworks, QNX…)

For those perpherials, yes, please follow the design guide to implement them.

Regarding the RTOS, we will have freertos which can be run on SPE on Jetson as we implemented at AGX Xavier.


Please check SPE and FreeRTOS sources available for L4T 34.1.1 - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson AGX Orin - NVIDIA Developer Forums

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