Jetson agx orin custom carrier board power on issue

Hi, We have made a custom carrier board for Jetson AGX Orin, but its not booting up, we have changed the MB2 configuration (changing the eeprom read size to zero) and flashed the Jetson but its not booting. We have followed the Design guide for auto-power-on configuration. Is there anything that needs to be changed from configuration side before flashing the Orin module?

for Auto-power-on configuration we are following section 5.3.1 from design guide.

Are we really missing out anything before we try to boot up? kindly help us.


You can try to dump the log from UART first.

We are not getting any prints on the debug ports.

unlike the jestson dev kit, we have directly brought out the UART port bypassing the ATMEGA.

Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared?

yes we are looking out for support, and yes we are not getting any debug prints or even the Tx line of the UART is going high.

Do you mean that you have the custom design for debug UART port?
If so, please share more details of the difference between the devkit.

Without the serial console log, we won’t know what happen on your board.

log.txt (34.0 KB)
We are getting the prints on the debug port. Iam attaching the log for your reference. kindly help in solving the issue.

ÿåERROR: camera-ip/isp5/isp5.c:1980 [isp5_pm_init] "ERROR: Failed to turn isp power on"
BUG: core/init/init.c:85 [init_all] "*** FIRMWARE INIT FAILED AT LEVEL 95 ***"

From the serial console log you shared, it seems the board boot up failed in UEFI with above errors.

Please check if the following thread could help for your case.
ISP power on issue cause Orin boot failed - #12 by Bibek

thanks for the reply, We have gone through the link and modified as sated and ran again.

Please find the attached log.

New_log_after_changes.txt (31.9 KB)

It seems previous error has been resolved but you still boot failed in UEFI.

Please refer to Build with docker · NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia Wiki · GitHub to build UEFI binary and replace the <Linux_for_Tegra>/bootloader/uefi_jetson.bin with the debug UEFI binary to enable more debug messages.

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