Jetson AGX Orin

I would suggest you could clarify more points first related to the original topic.

  1. Is this NV devkit or custom board?
  2. Does it need any application running to reproduce this error or it just happened randomly?
  3. If you remove all unnecessary peripherals, will it prevent hitting this issue?

But again upgrading BSP to rel-35.5 would help more than clarifying above.

Also, I don’t think there is any evidence to show that your Matlab would not work on rel-35.5. It is just “they didn’t test it”.

this is the dev kit.

No application running to reproduce issue. Every time I start up the jetson, I run into this issue where it just stays at a black screen after the nvidia splash screen. and I have to basically wait until it fails three times, then go into the UEFI and change from unbootable to normal in the options, and sometimes that works. if it doesn’t work, i do the whole process again until it boots.

I have tried removing all the peripherals. As I mentioned before, it seems to have better luck when there is no monitor connected. As in, the splash screen comes up, i disconnect the DP cable, wait about 30 seconds, and then plug it back in and it’s at the login screen (this is only after the UEFI steps i showed above).

The reason i mentioned that i didn’t want to use the newer jetpack because originally i installed the latest jetpack when we received the jetson, since i figured we wanted the most up to date version. With that version, I forget if that was Jetpack 6.0 or 6.1, I could not get Matlab GPU encoder working. After several tries and some conversations with Mathworks, I gave up, and with the table I linked above, resorted to using the older jetpack version which worked.

No application running to reproduce issue. Every time I start up the jetson, I run into this issue where it just stays at a black screen after the nvidia splash screen. and I have to basically wait until it fails three times, then go into the UEFI and change from unbootable to normal in the options, and sometimes that works. if it doesn’t work, i do the whole process again until it boots.
I have tried removing all the peripherals. As I mentioned before, it seems to have better luck when there is no monitor connected. As in, the splash screen comes up, i disconnect the DP cable, wait about 30 seconds, and then plug it back in and it’s at the login screen (this is only after the UEFI steps i showed above).

Providing logs would be better than this description.

With that version, I forget if that was Jetpack 6.0 or 6.1, I could not get Matlab GPU encoder working. After several tries and some conversations with Mathworks, I gave up, and with the table I linked above, resorted to using the older jetpack version which worked.

As I already told, I am not asking you to use jetpack6. What I am telling is using latest rel-35.5 release and it won’t be much difference in terms of Matlab usecase from the BSP you are using.

If you don’t know it, all Jetpack5 are based on rel-35.x version and all Jetpack6 are based on rel-36.x. What I am telling is you should upgrade to latest 35.x version. If you don’t want rel-36.x, I totally accept that.

Ah okay I did not know that about jet pack versions. How do I update to the latest 35.5 version?

Hey @jcoliveros ,
There are a couple of ways you can install Jetpack, the easiest one is using the sdkmanager:

Install it and follow the prompts for your setup. What its being recommended here, is to use the latest Jetpack 5.1.3 aka Jetson Linux 35.5. The cuda and other related libs should be the same or at the very least very similar across a major Jetpack version, in this case Jetpack 5.X.

The other way is to manually set it up, using a Linux pc, using console and the bsp packages:
On a folder of your choosing do:

tar -xvf jetson_linux_r35.5.0_aarch64.tbz2
cd Linux_for_Tegra/
cd rootfs
sudo tar -xvf ../tegra_linux_sample-root-filesystem_r35.5.0_aarch64.tbz2
cd ..
sudo ./
sudo ./tools/ -u nvidia -p nvidia --accept-license

that last command is what helps you create an user. Then set the board up on recovery mode, and plug it onto the pc.
Lastly flash:

sudo ./ jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1

For more reference, check here.

Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
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Unless i’m misunderstanding the instructions it seems i need to flash my board in order to upgrade it. Will that wipe the files on it?

I wanted to close this out, after manually upgrading jet pack, without flashing, it seems the issue is gone now.

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