Jetson is running, but it doesn't output to the screen

Jetson is running, but it doesn’t output to the screen.

I did a shutdown operation every time it was operating normally, but I feel that something went wrong, and this has happened since then.

If you want us to analyze the exact error happened on your board now, you can dump the log from uart console.

JetsonHacks – 19 Apr 19

Jetson Nano Style - Serial Console - JetsonHacks

The Serial Debug Console is the most basic way to be able to interface with your Jetson Nano Style Developer Kit. All it takes is a magic wire!

Est. reading time: 7 minutes

There is no actual solution for it until we check the log. There are lots of reason that may cause such problem.

Flashing the sdkmanager should make it work anyway in case this is still a software issue, if you don’t want to dump the log.

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