jetson nano B02 DS3 PWR light is always flashing.
I have passed to internal team to give the upate. please stay tuned.
我們目前沒有其他用戶有通報這個問題. 請問你軟體上有做更動嗎? 還是就是燒我們sdkmanager出來的image?
這個LED的控制是從GPIO I,1 pin 在控制的 請問你有改這部份的設定嗎?
we don’t have other forum users reporting this issue. Did you do any software change on it? or you just use the image from sdkmanager?
This pin is controlled by gpio TEGRA_GPIO(I, 1). Did you change it on your side?
hi,你好,我们这边使用开发板的时候出现的,正常情况下DS3 PWR的指示灯是做什么用的,我看见正常情况下是常亮的,但是我们这边有会出现间隔性的闪烁。
基本上那個指示燈在開機之後應該都是常亮的. 我們也沒有軟體會刻意去閃爍它
如果你沒有刻意去控制那個gpio的話 , 有可能代表板子上有元件快壞了…
另外,如果你想要量gpio有沒有亂跳的話需要麻煩提供板子的版本是b01還是A02, 因為兩款板子接的gpio不一樣
Basically that pwr LED is always lit up after device boots and we don’t have a special software to blink it.
If you didn’t try to toggle that gpio , it probably means some components on the carrier board are going to be broken…
Also, if you want to check if that gpio is toggled, you need to provide the sku of the carrier board (b01/a02) because the GPIO they are using are different.
您好这边板子的型号是jetson nano B01,可能代表板子上有元件快坏了??这是什么意思。,这边PWR指示灯是有什么具体的意思么??电压不稳定??电流过高??功率过低??
沒有具體的意思. 開機之後driver就會去控制GPIO… 但我們的driver不會去刻意閃爍它.
從硬體的角度, 你可以去量R490 看看是否是 1.8V consistently or toggling .
另外,如果你有其他底板的話可以換一片試試看… 坦白說沒有其他用戶有碰到這個問題. 我比較傾向這是硬體方面的狀況.
DS3 is Power LED, lights when the developer kit is powered on, refer to Jetson Nano Developer Kit User Guide.
Now it’s blinking, please check Q43.1 and Q43.3 status with DMM.
- If Q43.1 is toggling, it means driver or application is driving PWR_LED_CTRL. You should review your SW setting.
- If only Q43.3 is toggling and Q43.1 is High, it means Q43 may be broken.
我想請問一下這對你們是很重要的問題嗎? 因為基本上來說devkit是用來自己使用而不是會當產品使用.
我不太懂為何要執著在devkit一個power LED上面, 還要花時間量測. 請問你們是在問p3449底板還是你們自己的開發版…
May I ask whether this issue is really important to you? Basically, devkit is only for self use and won’t be as a product… I am not sure why you want to spend your time on a power LED and also measure the GPIO of it…
Are you asking this issue for your own carrier board or p3449 carrier board…?
sorry,我们这边用的是你们的开发板p3449进行二次开发软件应用的,然后观察到这边的power LED有闪烁的现象,主要我们现在使用的时候,底板上面插了负载较多,出现那个system-throttled-due-to-over-current的提示,一直都出现,我们这边给了开发板输入的电压是5.0V,所以想知道当这个电源power指示灯闪烁的时候,是不是欠压了,导致开发板的性能下降,出现其他问题。
thank you 。
You should measure the 5V supply to check if any voltage drop due to over current, not by the LED.
ok,thanks bro
ok,i know what you meaning,Jetson nano B02 DS3 PWR light is always flashing - #19 by Benedict_Tony
thank you very much。
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