Jetson nano orin is not booting up but fan is working

Using the microsd installation guide, I made it all the way to updating the firrmware but now when I power it on I get no signal from the monitor, but the fan is still running. After I ran

sudo apt-get install nvidia-l4t-jetson-orin-nano-qspi-updater

I shut off the jetson, removed the sd card, flashed the 6.x version and booted it up and got this error

So, I shut it off again, turned it back on but now no signal from the monitor, but the fan is running.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence, we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.


Is your device a Jetson Nano or Jetson Orin Nano?
Look likes your forum topics show Jetson Nano.
