Jetson orin agx recovery mode

Where can I find the Jetson orin agx timline diagram for recovery mode? Including the reset signals.

In which document?

Jetson Orin NX Series and Orin Nano Series Design Guide

Our unit is AGX, and I haven’t found in its design guide.

sorry, then this one.

Hi, I haven’t found in AGX design guide any timeline diagram describing the RECOVERY process with the relevant signals a resets.
Please advise

That’s not released. Did you meet any issue on this?

We are now working on this area (power sequence and resets) in our carrier and one of the sequences is the recovery mode of AGX.
and we need to know what are the signals needed for it and their status.
For example: sysreset signal need to change from ‘0’ to ‘1’ 10ms after xx signal and so on.

Recovery mode sequence is hardware logic and not controlled by carrier. To enter recovery mode, it only needs to hold recovery pin to low first and power on or reset. There is no strict timing/sequence for that.

Thank you,
Can you review the attached diagram? Is it ok and will get the AGX to recovery mode?

Sure, it is ok as RESET is after RECOVERY.

And should we release”AGX PERIPHERAL RESET N” back to ‘1’ (so it would be: ‘1’, ‘0’, ‘1’) or keep it on ‘0’ (so it would be: ‘1’, ‘0’) like showed at diagram above?

Hi Trumany, can you reply on the AGX PERIPHERAL N signal behavior?