I am using JetPack 6.0 on a Jetson Orin Nano, installed with the SDK manager.
I am trying to reach internet connection through a USB modem, i configure the /etc/wvdial.conf correctly as it shows:
New PPD = yes
Stupid Mode = 1
Modem Type = 4G Modem
Baud = 460800
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB2
ISDN = 0
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = AT+CGDCONT=1,“IP”,“ac.vodafone.es”
Phone = 99**1#
Username = wap@wap
When i launch wvdial as root this is what i get:
→ WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.61
→ Initializing modem.
→ Sending: ATZ
→ Sending: AT+CGDCONT=1,“IP”,“ac.vodafone.es”
→ Modem initialized.
→ Sending: ATDT99**1#
→ Waiting for carrier.
CONNECT 220000000
→ Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
→ Starting pppd at Thu May 30 16:16:48 2024
→ Pid of pppd: 4380
→ Disconnecting at Thu May 30 16:16:48 2024
→ The PPP daemon has died: No ppp module error (exit code = 4)
→ man pppd explains pppd error codes in more detail.
→ I guess that’s it for now, exiting
→ The PPP daemon has died. (exit code = 4)
My kernel version is 5.15.136-tegra.
I tried with nm-connection-editor also, but i got the same result:
Thank you in advance