I have a jetson orin nano 8GB developer kit and when I tried installing Jetpack 5.1.3 using the sdkmanager on a freshly installed ubuntu 20.04 the OS would flash but then everything else would fail so I skipped installing the software and manually setup the username and password and installed cuda.
But now suddenly the jetson isn’t showing up on my local network and even connecting a monitor and mouse and keyboard it seems that the OS is not booting up. Before getting to this stage, everytime I would ssh into the jetson, there would be a warning that reboot is required and after some search I found this. Then, before the 3rd time of booting the jetson, I connected it to my PC using a TTL to USB cable and this is the logs I got:
orin_nano_boot_info.txt (92.4 KB)
This jetson orin nano has been acting strange all around and I’m not sure where to go from here. Any tips would be appreciated.