JetsonTX2 CUDA compatibility

We are working with Jetson Tx2 devices and have some technical questions regarding CUDA and OpenCV compatibility.
Current Understanding :

  • Our TX2 devices are limited to JetPack 4.6.6 with CUDA 10.2. Our implementation is aiming to use OpenCV library 4.10.0 which appears to require newer CUDA versions. According to documentation, TX2 support ends with JetPack 4.x series.

Questions :

  • Is there any possible way to run newer CUDA versions 11.x or preferably 12.x on TX2 hardware ?
  • Are there any plans for extended support or special builds for TX2 series ?

If newer CUDA versions aren’t possible, what is the highest version of OpenCV you would recommend for optimal performance on TX2 as well as which CUDA is the last supported on these devices ?

Later CUDA versions are supported on Jetpack 5/6. You would need to use Jetpack 4 with CUDA 10.2.

The OpenCV package installed through SDKManager does not enable CUDA. A user shares a script and you can try it to manually enable CUDA and build OpenCV:
GitHub - mdegans/nano_build_opencv: Build OpenCV on Nvidia Jetson Nano