JointState Effort Becomes 0 in TurtleBot3 Demo on Isaac Sim

In the TurtleBot3 demo on Isaac Sim, the robot moves when subscribed to a Twist message and publishes its JointState. When visualizing the TurtleBot3 JointState on the graph, the “effort” value appears as shown in the attached image. However, the “effort” is set to 0. Normally, when the robot moves, the “effort” value should be non-zero. Why is this happening?

Isaac Sim Version

[ ] 4.1.0
[ ] 4.0.0
[ ] 4.5.0
[ ] 2023.1.1
[ ] 2023.1.0-hotfix.1
[ ] Other (please specify):

Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04
[ ] Ubuntu 20.04
[ ] Windows 11
[ ] Windows 10
[ ] Other (please specify):

Our latest released version is 4.5. Have you tried it and do you observe the same issue?