System: ConnectTech Photon with Xavier NX and Jetpack 5.1.2
This board is buried in a large machine and is not easily accessible. For reliability reasons I modified the system so that the onboard EMMC and the additional uSD card are mounted readonly. /var, /home, and /tmp are writeable through overlay filesystem. So the nonvolative storage should not go corrupted.
However, I managed to get to system to get into Recovery Boot. In UEFI NVIDIA Configuration/L4T Configuration/OS chain A status was unbootable. I changed that, and the system booted again normally since all file system were read-only.
This is no big deal on my desk, but it is a major problem when happening on a customer site. The power may got away at any time, and the system must withstand this.
- What triggers the change Normal->Unbootable in the first place?
- Can I disable this? I know that that system will always be bootable since there are no writes to any fs.
- Any further recommendations?