[JP6.0.0] Sometimes black screen while running ubiquity-dm in nv-oem-config-firstboot when using HDMI dcb image


目前在customize board上測試JP6.0.0時,有測到一個狀況:

當使用HDMI版本的DCB image時,若執行ubiquity-dm有時會黑畫面(僅有滑鼠游標),無法正常顯示setup GUI;若將DCB image更換為Devkit的DP版本,就無法複現此狀況(但DP++僅能支援到1080P)。

boot.log (72.2 KB)
Xorg.0.log (19.1 KB)
ubiquity-dm.log (3.9 KB)

以下為目前使用的HDMI DCB image:
pjai-c200ao-display-dcb-hdmi.dtsi.txt (27.0 KB)



  1. 測試手法:透過reset button一直重開,觀察是否可正常開啟setup GUI
  2. 複製出問題的機率有20%以上
  3. 搭AGX Orin 32G或是AGX Orin 64G皆可看到此問題
  4. ubiquity-dm是在第一次登入Ubuntu時,於/usr/sbin/nv-oem-config-firstboot內執行
  5. 目前僅有在執行ubiquity-dm時,有觀察到此問題

Please check if the issue can be reproduced on developer kit. If yes, please share us the steps. We will set up and check.

Hi DaneLLL,

It cannot be reproduced on developer kit because it does not have HDMI support.
We cannot reproduce the issue while using original DP DCB image on both developer kit and our customize board.

Please use Orin NX/Nano + Xavier NX devkit if you want to reproduce any HDMI issue on devkit.

We are planning to purchase a Xavier NX devkit, but this process will take a few days.
In the meantime, would it be possible for you to assist us by testing on your Xavier NX devkit?

Here’s our testing procedure:

  1. Flash the board using Jetpack 6.0 BSP.
  2. Power on the system.
  3. Wait until the setup GUI appears.
  4. Press the reset button to reset the system. Alternatively, you can unplug and then replug the power cable to power cycle the system.
  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4.

We have been able to reproduce this issue within 10 cycles.

Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Release 36.4 has been released. Please test it on your side if the issue is still.

Unfortunately, it can be reproduced on JP6.1(L4T 36.4) too.

Below are the log files while black screen occurred:
boot.log (70.4 KB)
Xorg.0.log (13.8 KB)
ubiquity-dm.log (3.9 KB)

NOTE: There are two timeout messages in “ubiquity-dm.log” (copied from /var/log/installer/dm):

(gsd-xsettings:1250): xsettings-plugin-WARNING **: 06:18:51.774: Failed to get current display configuration state: Timeout was reached

(gsd-power:1247): power-plugin-WARNING **: 06:19:16.791: Could not create GnomeRRScreen: Timeout was reached


How did you get the xorg log while first configuration is not yet done?

I use following command to flash OS into an USB disk:

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/l4t_initrd_flash.sh --external-device sda1  -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_t234_ext_13g.xml -S 11GiB -p "-c bootloader/generic/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml"   --showlogs --network usb0 <board_name> internal

Then I can check the log in the rootfs via other host PC.

I mean the system is not able to be operated when first boot configuration is not yet done.
How did you capture log in this situation?



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It looks like the reproduce rate is low. And it seems next reboot might make it work again.

Please use this (reboot) as a workaround first.


Would it be possible to fix this in the next release?

We have been seeing this with Jetpack 6.1 as well with an Orin NX 16GB and a carrier board with DisplayPort output.

I can create a test user by mounting a flashed NVMe into a Host PC, then running something like

$ cd /media/<mount-id>/
$ sudo chroot ./ adduser test
$ sudo chroot ./ usermod -aG sudo test

…then mounting that drive back in the Jetson carrier and booting.

UEFI splash screen works. Linux kernel boot messages (fbcon?) works. But then sometimes when the OEM-config GUI is supposed to launch we simply see a black screen. Often, but not always, there is a mouse cursor that we can move.

If I switch to tty2 with Ctrl+Alt+F2, then enter the test username and password, then I can poke around in that broken state.

I have been able to run sudo killall gnome-shell on the target, then switch back to the GUI with Ctrl+Alt+F7, and we see the GUI pane for the “Please review and accept the following licenses” prompt. But the pane has no window borders/decorations and there is no top menu bar or background image.

I have been unable to find any definitive reason for why the failure is occurring, but it feels like a race condition between when NVIDIA GPU drivers/services or X sessions are fully ready and when gnome’s power-plugin queries for an active display.

Any advice, NVIDIA?

My workaround is to revert the following two patches for glib2.0, but I don’t know why this works:
01_gettext-desktopfiles.patch « patches « debian - ubuntu/+source/glib2.0 - [no description]
02_gettext-desktopfiles-ubuntu.patch « debian « patches « debian - ubuntu/+source/glib2.0 - [no description]

The following tarball contains my repacked debs, you can give a try.
libglib2.0_debs_2.72.4-0ubuntu2.4~portwell1_arm64.tar.gz (7.9 MB)

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