Keypoints set to 0x0 on using VPI

I’m trying to use the VPI C++ API to remap my images. I’m using the following code:

#define CHECK_STATUS(STMT)                                    \
     do                                                        \
     {                                                         \
         VPIStatus status = (STMT);                            \
         if (status != VPI_SUCCESS)                            \
         {                                                     \
             char buffer[VPI_MAX_STATUS_MESSAGE_LENGTH];       \
             vpiGetLastStatusMessage(buffer, sizeof(buffer));  \
             std::ostringstream ss;                            \
             ss << vpiStatusGetName(status) << ": " << buffer; \
             throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());               \
         }                                                     \
     } while (0);
    //lut is a cv::Mat image used for the remaping of coordinates.
    VPIWarpMap lut_vpi = {};
    // same result when not initialising with {}

    memset(&lut_vpi, 0, sizeof(lut_vpi));
    lut_vpi.grid.numHorizRegions  = 1;
    lut_vpi.grid.numVertRegions   = 1;
    lut_vpi.grid.regionWidth[0]   = lut.cols;
    lut_vpi.grid.regionHeight[0]  = lut.rows;
    lut_vpi.grid.horizInterval[0] = 1;
    lut_vpi.grid.vertInterval[0]  = 1;

        int* offsets = (int*);
        for (int i = 0; i < lut.rows; i++)
            VPIKeypoint *row = (VPIKeypoint *)((uint8_t *)lut_vpi.keypoints + lut_vpi.pitchBytes * i);

            for (int j = 0; j < lut.cols; j++)
                int k = *offsets++;
                row[j].x = k%sensor_width;
                row[j].y = k/sensor_width;

I’ve used the above code previously with vpi0.4(jetpack 4.4.1) with the only change being lut_vpi.strideBytes instead of lut_vpi.pitchBytes. Currently I’m moving to vpi1(jetpack 4.6). Now, the above code isn’t working. I’m getting:

(gdb) p lut_vpi
$32 = {grid = {numHorizRegions = 1 ‘\001’, numVertRegions = 1 ‘\001’,
regionWidth = {1120, 0, 0, 0}, regionHeight = {768, 0, 0, 0},
horizInterval = {1, 0, 0, 0}, vertInterval = {1, 0, 0, 0}},
numHorizPoints = 1152, numVertPoints = 768, pitchBytes = 1404702736,
keypoints = 0x0}

As you can see, `keypoints = 0x0.
Can you please help with identifying the issue. Thanks!

• Hardware Platform (Jetson NX)
• JetPack Version 4.6
• VPI 1
• Issue Type questions


Could you share a complete sample so we can reproduce it in our environment?