I may have found a blindingly obvious fix for this problem. But I don’t have a tv/monitor with the issue to test it. Can you do a clean install of this experimental build and see if that tv works as expected? In short, this build should exclude all yuv modes from the edid.
After I installed the build package you gave me, this problem has been perfectly solved and now the display is normal. You are very great! Thank you so much!
Will subsequent official builds exclude all yuv modes from edid? Or can you tell me how to exclude all yuv patterns from edid? I may need to use it when I experience the new system in the future.
This is the relevant change. It should be merged shortly, then will be available in newer official builds.
Got it, thank you very much!
I am setting up a testing group for these Lineage releases. I am unable to do development and thorough testing by myself at this point. Looking for people with a bit of technical knowledge, enough to pull logs and describe problems in issue tickets for the devs to triage and work on. This is being coordinated on the Lineage discord server. If you are interested, please send me a DM and I’ll get things set up.
Hello, Steel01
Does LineageOS support SATA3 SSD? After I connected the SSD, the system did not recognize it.
The kernel driver for sata is loaded, so it should enumerate. However, there is no fstab entry for it.
If you want the sata drive to act as external storage, like how a usb drive or sd card works, then this line will need duplicated and modified to match the path in /sys/devices that gets generated for sata. Note that I’ve never tested sata on t186, so I can’t confirm any of this for certain.
If you want to boot from sata or have userdata on sata, like how the 2015 shield tv pro worked, then more changes would have to be made. I’ve got pending changes to put userdata on an nvme drive while still booting from the emmc, but I’ve not quite got that to a shape I’m comfortable merging to production yet.
Thank you very much for your response. I look forward to the possibility of adding support for SATA connections to SSDs in the future. Additionally, I discovered an issue with installing the Emby server on LineageOS 21. After installation, the Emby web interface can be accessed normally, but after the TX2 restarts, the Emby server fails to start properly. Could you help investigate this issue? The TX2 is quite a good device for running an Emby server.