Link to download toolchain for 36.4.3 / jetpack 6.2 is broken

following instructions on this page:

I need to
Download the Bootlin toolchain binaries from the NVIDIA Jetson Linux home page.

but the link on that page gives me: No such file or directory

I should add my question : where can I get the toolchain to build the kernel at 36.4.3?

Hello @shuaulme1

I think the toolchain that you are looking for can be found at Jetson Linux | NVIDIA Developer.

It is Bootlin Toolchain gcc 11.3

Please, let me know if this answers your question!

Eduardo Salazar
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun

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yes thank you, that’s the link I was looking for! it looks like the link of the page just got fixed as well.

awesome. thank you all.

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