Linux: Linking libraries issues!?

Greetings everyone,

I did link PhysX libraries successfully on Windows using CMake but I noticed there is a few more libraries on Linux. My problem is that there is unresolved symbols so I’m wondering if anyone compiled a project on Linux with CMake successfully?


#include <PxPhysicsAPI.h>
#include <extensions/PxExtensionsAPI.h>


    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libLowLevel.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libLowLevelCloth.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libPvdRuntime.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libSceneQuery.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libSimulationController.a")

    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libPhysX3.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libPhysX3CharacterKinematic.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libPhysX3Common.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libPhysX3Cooking.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libPhysX3Extensions.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libPhysX3Vehicle.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libPhysXProfileSDK.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libPhysXVisualDebuggerSDK.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libPxTask.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libRepX3.a")
    target_link_libraries(OutLib "libRepXUpgrader3.a")

What am I missing?

Hi there, I have the same problem, did you find any fix?

What are the unresolved symbols? I suspect this is an issue with ordering of the link, not missing libraries.


I too am getting unresolved symbols with these libraries linked. My unresolved all have the word cloth in them somewhere. I don’t see a cloth lib though. (Also, not using any cloth in my project.) Help? (PhysX-3.2.0_linux_sdk)

.../Lib/linux64/libSimulationController.a(ScCoreFactory.cpp.o): In function `physx::Sc::CoreFactory::CoreFactory()':
(.text+0x161): undefined reference to `physx::cloth::Factory::createFactory(physx::cloth::Factory::Platform, physx::pxtask::CudaContextManager*)'

My bad - there IS a libLowLevelCloth.a in the sdk, that I somehow missed on first pass.
Note: the OP’s question still stands though.

Well, I can’t find the correct ordering, even for the simplest usage of physx.

Do the samples build and run?