Log level during boot

@ts01399984, the boot-order on Xavier can be modified using the cbo.dtb file on the host system. This file is present at ~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack*AGX_XAVIER/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cbo.dts.

Modify the “boot-order” variable to something like this:

boot-order = "emmc", "sd", "usb", "net";

Build a .dtb file with below command:

dtc -I dts -O dtb -o bootloader/cbo.dtb bootloader/cbo.dts

This requires that “device-tree-compiler” debian package is installed on the host system. I think NVIDIA does provide a dts(1) binary but I have never used it since downloading/installing a package is easier ;-)

However, I have a doubt (unless it has been fixed in R32.3.2) that this change will take effect because of a bug in cboot binary. Here’s a forum post Cbo.dtb not getting flashed with JetPack 4.3 - #11 by WayneWWW that I submitted.