Looking Behind the Curtain of EVPN Traffic Flows

Originally published at: https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/looking-behind-the-curtain-of-evpn-traffic-flows/

Is EVPN magic? As Arthur C Clarke said, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. On that premise, moving from a traditional layer 2 environment to VXLAN driven by EVPN has much of that same hocus-pocus feeling. To help demystify the sorcery, I aim to help users new to EVPN understand how EVPN works…

Great post, thanks for the explanation. I think there might be some small errors/omissions in the post.

  • In the sentence that states,Because the local L2 VNI has RD I think the RD should really be RD
  • The net show route vrf RED output below this statement, Using this information, you can validate that this /32 host route for server01 is in the routing table of leaf03 as a pure L3 route, pointing out to the L3VNI., is actually from leaf01, not leaf03 and the route highlighted isn’t for like i think it should be.
  • In the summary section there is an intention to provide a link to a post discussing Type 5 messages, but the link is missing: traffic flows around Type 5 messages and VXLAN routing, see [LINK]
