So I want to use the Replicator and spawn a bin inside a scene. I will use the Replicator functions to move it to another place and want to give it some material of a list. Well, everything works, the bin XFrame is getting different materials for each scene, but since it has the option “Weaker than descendants” it won’t work. How can I fix this?
EDIT: Okay I now saw that because I imported this bin a lot of subframes have a material. Do I have to delete every material by hand now or is there a possibility in Replicator to set the XFrame that is the highest up as “Stronger than Descendants”?
Hi @kstez I think this should be an attribute change, possible with the modify attribute function, but I haven’t had any luck with finding the specific property to change. I’m reaching out to the MDL team to see if they know how this can be done. I’ll circle back, but ping me if you don’t hear back from me mid next week.
Hi, has anyone found a working solution for this?
Currently stuck at a very similar problem, where I want to randomize one material for two objects.
I managed to get the Material of the XForm containing the objects to be randomized but the MaterialStrength gets reset to WeakerThanDescendants at every replicator step.