Measure GPU elapsed time

I try to evaluate elapsed time of GPU. However, its result confuses me.

for (100){
    for (100){
        for (10){
            cudaEventRecord(start, 0);

            Call CUDA kernel

            cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
            cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed, start, stop);

This is my first try of evaluation. I got the elapsed time of my CUDA kernel. It is around 0.02ms

However, when I move the cudaEvent outside the for loop to evaluate all of its elapsed time. Like this,

cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
for (100){
    for (100){
        for (10){
            Call CUDA kernel
cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed, start, stop);

The result is around 200 ms. Why it is totally difference between two style? I think second elapsed time should be around 100 * 100 * 10 * 0.02 = 2000 ms?

Any explanation is welcome. Thank

Some of what you are measuring in the first case is launch overhead (typically on the order of 1-10 us, possibly a bit larger). In the second case, some of that overhead is hidden because you are launching kernels while a kernel is running, so you mask the launch overhead.

Therefore I would expect the second measurement to not be a linear scaling of the first measurement.

Beyond that, a complete explanation would depend on you providing a complete sample test code, along with the compilation command you used to compile it, plus information about the platform you are running on, the GPU you are using, and the CUDA version.