We’re trying to team a Mellanox ConnectX-4 Card using Windows 10 or Windows 11. I’m utilizing the Mellanox’s mlx5muxtool.exe and according to the documentation it should work via CLI for my card. Here is my output:
C:\Program Files\Mellanox\MLNX_WinOF2\Management Tools>mlx5muxtool.exe create team Aggregate MyTeam
Adding team MyTeam
Team created {6746EF1F-BEC0-497E-8D8B-D641FACC7B14}
C:\Program Files\Mellanox\MLNX_WinOF2\Management Tools>mlx5muxtool.exe attach team MyTeam {9874BC78-CC6E-49E9-B38F-0542C689BA23}
Failed reading NetCfgInstanceId for subkey 0001 with error 0x80070002
QueryAdapterPortType failed with error 0x80070002
I have tried it both with Windows 10 and Windows 11. I have confirmed my firmware is up to date, but alas, this card will not team. What are we doing wrong here?