Mellanox Driver

Hi All,

I’m using Mellanox driver version MLNX_EN_SRC-23.10- to build custom kernel version 4.19.304 on my debian-10 build system.
I was trying to compile mlnx-en drivers (mlx5_core) manually but it fails to build the kernel modules, also I applied the patches manually which is provided by above source but getting below error.
Hunk #n FAILED

Reference: -

Source Code URL: Index of /public/repo/mlnx_en/5.1-
Kernel Version: kernel-4.19.304
OS Version: Debian-10
PCI_ID: 15b3:101f
Kernel Module: mlx5_core.ko

Is this driver compatible with kernel-4.19.304 ?

Error: -

root@debian:/tmp/MLNX_OFED_SRC-24.04- ./configure --kernel-version=4.19.304 --modules-dir=/lib/modules/4.19.304/ --kernel-sources=/usr/src/linux-4.19.304-installer-x86_64 --with-mlx5-core-only-mod

Warning: CONFIG_MLX5_BRIDGE requires kernel version 5.0 or higher (current: 4.19.304).
Warning: CONFIG_MLX5_TC_CT not supported in kernel once CONFIG_NF_FLOW_TABLE not set.


Thanks for your question.
Based on the output you shared, you’d like to compile MLNX_EN_SRC-23.10- on Debian 10, which is provided with kernel 4.19, and it should work, as according to MLNX_EN_SRC-23.10- release notes, this combination of OS/kernel is supported by this OFED version.

But, looking at the command line, you are trying to compile MLNX_OFED_SRC-24.04-, which also supports kernel 4.19 and Debian 10

If you’d like to compile the driver from source, I suggest you to download the below tgz, and try running script.

If it won’t work for some reason, a deeper investigation may be required, and we will ask you to open a support case in Nvidia portal, or just sending an email to

Best Regards,

Thanks for the reply.

Just to add more details, I’m cross compiling on my dev machine (Debian-10)
On the dev machine we don’t have the Mellanox device support.
We have modified script so that it will not fail at device check, i.e. lspci should show Mellanox.

Please suggest on the same.