Memory access and threading problems?

I am working with two 1920x1080 images which I need to process to produce two same size outputs.

My final step interleaves results of half width images to get the full width. It is supposed to be a fine grain pixel by pixel interleave but I am getting a block based results.

I’ve tried various approaches including the code below for the interleaver which uses texture references. I’m using linear 1D arrays.

Sequence summary:

Map Direct3d textures

CudaMemcpy to gpu



CudaMemcpy to host


[codebox]#include “stdafx.h”

// includes, cuda

#include <cuda.h>

#include <builtin_types.h>

#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>

#include <cuda_d3d9_interop.h>

// includes, project

#include <cutil_inline.h>


#include <rendercheck_d3d9.h>

#define MAX_EPSILON 10

#define BLOCKDIMX 32

#define BLOCKDIMY 6

#define RGB_LEN 3

#define RGBA_LEN 4

extern int g_width; // =1920

extern int g_height; // =1080


  • Expands frame into 1080x1920 from two textures that are 1080x960 (base+enhanced frames),

  • also convert from float to unsigned char


texture<unsigned char, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> texHalf1;

texture<unsigned char, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> texHalf2;

global void cuda_kernel_arrange(

								texture<unsigned char, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> texHalf1, 

								texture<unsigned char, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> texHalf2, 

								unsigned char *texout, 

								int pitch,

								int width,

								int height)


int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

int rowbytes = (RGB_LEN) * (width);  //bytes in 1 row of half base/enh frame (960 * 4)

int offset = (y*rowbytes/2) + ((RGB_LEN)*(x/2));

unsigned char *pixel;

// in the case where, due to quantization into grids, we have

// more threads than pixels, skip the threads which don't 

// correspond to valid pixels

//if (x >= width || y >= height) return;

// get a pointer to the pixel at (x,y)

pixel = &texout[y*pitch + RGBA_LEN*x];

//pixelin1 = &tex1[offset];

//pixelin2 = &tex2[offset];

//pixel[0] = (pixelin1[0]+pixelin2[0])/2;

//pixel[1] = (pixelin1[1]+pixelin2[1])/2;

//pixel[2] = (pixelin1[2]+pixelin2[2])/2;

//pixel[3] = 1; //alpha

//pixelin1[0] = 0x90;

//pixelin1[1] = 0x90;

//pixelin1[2] = 0x90;

// even rows

if ((y % 2) == 0) {

// even columns

	if ((x % 2) == 0) {

		pixel[0] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf2, offset);

		pixel[1] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf2, offset + 1);

		pixel[2] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf2, offset + 2);

		pixel[3] = 1; //alpha


	else {  // odd columns

		pixel[0] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf1, offset);

		pixel[1] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf1, offset + 1);

		pixel[2] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf1, offset + 2);

		pixel[3] = 1; //alpha



else {  // odd rows

	if ((x % 2) == 0 ) {  //even columns

		pixel[0] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf1, offset);

		pixel[1] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf1, offset + 1);

		pixel[2] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf1, offset + 2);

		pixel[3] = 1; //alpha


	else { //odd columns

		pixel[0] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf2, offset);

		pixel[1] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf2, offset + 1);

		pixel[2] = tex1Dfetch(texHalf2, offset + 2);

		pixel[3] = 1; //alpha




extern “C”

void cuda_arrange(void* tex1, void* tex2, void* texout, int pitch)


cudaError_t error = cudaSuccess;

dim3 Db = dim3( BLOCKDIMX, BLOCKDIMY ); // block dimensions are fixed to be 256 threads

dim3 Dg = dim3( g_width/Db.x, g_height/Db.y );

cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDescHalf1 =cudaCreateChannelDesc<unsigned char>();

cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDescHalf2 =cudaCreateChannelDesc<unsigned char>();

cudaBindTexture(0, &texHalf1, tex1, &channelDescHalf1, g_height * g_width/2  * RGB_LEN );

cudaBindTexture(0, &texHalf2, tex2, &channelDescHalf1, g_height * g_width/2  * RGB_LEN );

cuda_kernel_arrange<<<Dg,Db>>>( texHalf1, texHalf2, (unsigned char *)texout, pitch, g_width, g_height );

error = cudaGetLastError();

if (error != cudaSuccess) {

    printf("cuda_kernel_arrange() failed to launch error = %d\n", error);




Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Compiling with sm_12 for gtx 275.

