Minimizing All startup services/processes on Linux4Tegra

Dear All,

I am using Jetson TX1 … the way i want to use JTX1 is it will boot up and directly launch my application so for that i have startup script…

currently i am booting up till actual Linux4Tegra screen comes up and then i am running my application from startup applications…

I want to minimize all processes and services which gets by default started on Linux4Tegra and want to start only those which are required by my application…

I do need Display service but i wish to disable actual Linux4Tegra background screen and all other services to use CPU at optimization…

So what should be the approach for this ?

Any insight is highly appreciated…

It kind of sounds like you want to replace lightdm with your application. Your application would run, but no desktop…a dedicated application. Not sure where lightdm is started from, but is this what you are looking for? Removal of a general graphics desktop and instead just run the one application?

If you’re looking to change how/if other processes run as well, you’ll want to take a look at the init system for Ubuntu 14.04, which is Upstart. Here’s a good page for getting started on that: Upstart - Ubuntu Wiki

IIRC, Ubuntu’s in the process of moving to the somewhat controversial systemd, but that doesn’t affect L4T which is based on 14.04.

You might want to try starting your application directly as a parameter for X11.
Try something like this (while X is off):

xinit {full path to your application}

This should start only the application and no other windows and stuff. Be careful, the application won’t know the dimensions of your display like this, you might need it as a command line parameter.