Minimizing Deep Learning Inference Latency with NVIDIA Multi-Instance GPU

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Recently, NVIDIA unveiled the A100 GPU model, based on the NVIDIA Ampere architecture. Ampere introduced many features, including Multi-Instance GPU (MIG), that play a special role for deep learning-based (DL) applications. MIG makes it possible to use a single A100 GPU as if it were multiple smaller GPUs, maximizing utilization for DL workloads and providing…

Hi, I have been trying to reproduce the Flower Demo on our system from this article: However, I got a little problem upon running the client GUI where it could not open the image directory.

root@dgxs:/flowerDemo# pwd
root@dgxs:/flowerDemo# ./FlowerDemo 8001
Connecting to addr: port: 8001
Could not open the image directory
Failed to load media!

Could someone help to point out where I should put the images?