November 28, 2024, 11:27am
Hi there,
Im attempting to edit the DCB blob but cannot find the referenced tool file in Linux_for_tegra/tools/dcb_tool to convert the hex found in:
I have downloaded the Driver Package (BSP) Sources from Jetson Linux | NVIDIA Developer
Any support is greatly appreciated.
Then what do you have in your Linux_for_tegra/tools?
November 28, 2024, 12:18pm
Nothing. The folder is not there. Linux_for_tegra just contains a folder called source
You are checking the wrong directory.
Linux_for_Tegra here is the BSP package you are using to flash the board. Not the source code folder.
Sdkmanager will download that to your host PC.
November 28, 2024, 4:53pm
Ah thank you.
I installed jetpack via the SD card - I couldn’t get the SDKmanager working for some reason.
Is it possible to obtain the source code folder without using the SDKmanager?
The driver package in above link for each release will have the real Linux_for_Tegra.
If you want to develop on Jetson, you should learn how to use this package to flash.
Sdcard image is not a real flash method but just a method for newbie to get into Jetson world easily.
December 2, 2024, 10:31am
Gave it another go today and flashed 36.4 via SDKmanager. Checked the files on the host machine and it worked. Thank you
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