I’m using a rather large struct inside a kernel and when trying to watch a struct object with the cuda debugger inside Visual Studio some of the structs members aren’t displayed. I can access the missing members when evaluating them directly, but I’m really confused why they are missing in the first place.
Minimal working example
struct Test {
int first;
float second;
double third;
long fourth;
short fifth;
bool sixth;
int2 seventh;
float2 eight;
half2 ninth;
double2 tenth;
void testStruct() {
Test t{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, true, int2{7, 7}, float2{8, 8}, half2{9, 9}, double2{10, 10} };
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
testStruct<<<1, 1>>>();
I’ve tried increasing the max elements inside Nsights options but this didn’t help either.
I’m using Cuda 12.2 with Visual Studio 16 2019 and Nsight Version 2023.3.1