modifying the GPU code generated by the PGI compiler


I found out that I could use -ta=nvidia,keepgpu (for the 2009 relase) to view the GPU code, but this is not mentioned in the PGI user guide 2009, only in the 2010 guide and release notes!!

can I modify that code now and recompile using it?

Thank You

Hi ghandurah,

I found out that I could use -ta=nvidia,keepgpu (for the 2009 relase) to view the GPU code, but this is not mentioned in the PGI user guide 2009, only in the 2010 guide and release notes!!

Correct, this flag was not documented in PGI 9.0.

can I modify that code now and recompile using it?

Yes (with nvcc). However, the result will be a “.bin” file that is external to your “.out”. To run the executable, the “.bin” must be located in the same directory as the “.out”.

  • Mat