mpicc -- do I need a special license?

Was trying to compile an MPI C code and got the error:

pgi-cc-lin64: LICENSE MANAGER PROBLEM: No such feature exists.

I guess this means that we need a special license for MPI C compiling? This surprised me because I thought PGI C was basically gcc or gnu c, or whatever. Before I start lobbying my powers that be for a license upgrade, could someone set me straight on this?

Hi Cablesb,

mpicc is just a wrapper for which ever C compiler you built your MPI library with. If you built it with PGI’s C compiler or are using the MPICH install that accompanies the compilers, then yes you do need a license to use it. However, we inter-operate with gcc, so you are welcome to build your own MPI packages using gcc + PGI Fortran.

This surprised me because I thought PGI C was basically gcc or gnu c, or whatever

Nope. PGI’s C compiler, PGCC, is completely separate from GCC.

Before I start lobbying my powers that be for a license upgrade, could someone set me straight on this?

While there are reasons to purchase PGCC over GCC, building MPI is not one of them. So if this is all you need a C compiler for, then stick with GCC. If you are looking to develop C code for the GPU, OpenMP, or high performance, then these are the reason to look to PGCC.

  • Mat