Multiple UART devices with Jetson AGX Xavier

Hello, I would like to connect 10 UART ultrasonic sensors (DFROBOT SEN0311). I struggled to find information on how to do it. I know I will need some expansion board. Any suggestions on what board should I buy and what are the next steps? Maybe I could try to connect 2 sensors at the same time without the expansion board? Is it possible to change some pins to act as UART rx and tx?

You won’t find it practical to use a GPIO as a UART if the pins don’t support this in hardware.

In part answering the question of what add-on UARTs will work depends on bandwidth and latency requirements. If bandwidth and latency are not much of an issue, then you could just use USB serial UARTs. I’ve not looked for a PCIe UART add-on, but if bandwidth and latency matter, then probably this is what you would have to use as an expansion.

hello kuba.glowacz,

Jetson AGX Xavier brings five UARTs out to the main connector.
please also access Jetson AGX Xavier OEM Product Design Guide, check Chapter-13.3 for more details.

Thank you for your information, but I struggle with understanding the PIN IDs? Pinout of the AGX Xavier shows 40 different PINs, but the PIN IDs from the OEM Product Design Guide have IDs like A57 or K60 and I dont understand to which PINs they refer.

hello kuba.glowacz,

please access Jetson AGX Xavier Pinmux through download center,
there’re CVM Connector Signal Name and Ball Name for your reference,