I’ve read through other posts seeing this error that I think had a range of other causes- I am able to avoid it by setting module option:
However- I’m trying to use a solution I had in place (that worked) in the past (some driver versions and OS updates ago, not sure when it broke).
What I had successfully working before was:
NVreg_RestrictProfilingToAdminUsers=1 and I had the user capability cap_perfmon enabled.
cap_perfmon was mentioned as an alternative in some documentation I read, which is why I tried it originally, and it worked. Realizing that was no longer working, I saw the instructions mentioned to use cap_sys_admin so I tried enabling that capability too- still, it did not work.
I am hoping I can get this to work again via the least capability grant possible (cap_perfmon), but I’d settle to even have cap_sys_admin working for a more granular approach than everyone.
FWIW, I’m using:
- RHEL 8.8
- Linux Kernel Version = 4.18.0-477.36.1.el8_8.x86_64
- Nvidia Driver Version: 545.23.08
- NCU Version 2022.2.0.0 (build 31140043) - OR -
- NCU Version 2023.2.1.0 (build 33050884) - same result
The fact that I can set the module option to “0” and have success should validate that I’m successfully unloading/reloading the driver with correct options. Additionally confirming my environment:
[jenos@hostname ~]$ capsh --print |grep Current:
Current: cap_sys_admin=i
[jenos@hostname ~]$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/params |grep -i prof
RmProfilingAdminOnly: 1
From what I can tell, this is correctly configured and should work. Any ideas?