Hi Team,
I am trying to set up a Virtual Workstation on AWS on Windows machine. This workstation is specific to Nvidia named as “Omniverse” and is needed to launch the application on cloud services. I have been following the steps given in Nvidia official documentation. Virtual Workstation on AWS (Windows) — Omniverse Nucleus latest documentation However I am stuck at Step 8 that is associated to Events tab configuration present in Cloud Formation which is not working successfully in my case and failing each time I try to do execute this step. For the existing account I can only use private IP address and using Public IP addresses is restricted due to security corporate policy of my organization. Please help to understand how to fix this issue, request you to please set up a call and send the meeting invite. Error Message Encountered as mentioned below: You are not authorized to perform this operation. User: arn:aws:sts::533267422740:assumed-role/cloudboost_account_operator/854***@cognizant.com is not authorized to perform: ec2:RunInstances on resource: arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:533267422740:network-interface/* with an explicit deny in a service control policy. Encoded authorization failure message: eH2Oiuz1mbaarX6-EOF7ztPTbxdIJLnWl1IYAAyzsLGNStSKbB0EeHhkAg-HLudNwU2RXYzmzuLK50jXElcBRyEPhY9jOM7DAs2yOnA9jFj51kFwBdi38BTH14cRLCjMCvF1w6vyaCZHHUCJN_jIswa6Hq1L5GyfZZkMwsTpqZgcl5FCDMkYXF1r1m-ZAcQTFowPdmMbhWvSYOP5-W64rl6iPEiBCThe2hzP6JeLOg79sd5V5nz6NUpPiLkiaBbpRfynSQIJrlD_nFNNYiBnao9hOoQWs1fHgfdhljwQlvn-kyz4agnl6RzVDHtNhT6ORVbuu4Lan7Yg4fkH5C1hk0sUPwaSmOkQXDao2qz1QFARwjCuYnMsnw9-NdJXmYnA98iwt76b5sXASFtduviDEwuU37R-9SQK9JCRIf0-Pq-p8pz4o3YrvrGBX2iSOPd1lxjvfVvufF6gXBoEUpj_C5sY7ez4KoacBHC9PVqQ-fkj3oECDMcXG7ReaO5FBgEkimdrxs4YwUm1tAWQRAygMh2tRC0VE_Ox-NyGVx35T3FDENG9zqxCnXDN9G6mRPxfTIwR8bAr4-ducA9f051npQKf8LyhZeWMt4V1TP_ZOmJw3XUB_XtIs1xjaHxcwUphzpi4GbBG42QOWESU3d7goCT3BLzsADHRcauGy75WIl3-h328n6iuOIQCgUDB9zFMo48LEu_RN5-iyYPCUa1MQNN5JUxsyDA8y3pv5ELlscCFxh9li3q_U-54QtGF4NQfQZD1Bi9ibvtIgRDwi_YEZZdGaIKGKVsEsvhefp7UAPm–LbM6tEchTVV This is the AMI details from the CloudFormation stack from the documentation. https://cloudstation-public-dev-us-west-2.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/templates/cloudstation-cfn.json
Are you an Enterprise Customer ? If so I would ask you to contact your Enterprise Support person. This sounds like a deep issue with your setup and workflow.
Second, it sounds like you need to contact AWS directly about this, since this is their server. However I think you have answered your own question and know the problem already “I can only use private IP address and using Public IP addresses is restricted due to security corporate policy of my organization”. That sounds like you need to connect your IT supervisor to your AWS account manager and figure that out. This is not something we can support until you have successfully setup the server.
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