NGC API keys are not work for the course “Building Real-Time Video AI Applications”

I am doing the code assessments for the course “Building Real-Time Video AI Applications” but the API keys for authentication to use NGC services do not work.

Firstly, I checked the API key in NGC| Setup

Then I copied the API key and modified it in the config file of code assessment.

But the API key is not working “invalid API key”:


Can some one know the problem over here with the API key

Seems NGC account issue. Moved to Latest NGC GPU Cloud/NGC Account topics - NVIDIA Developer Forums

I am having the same issue for the assessment part of the code. I have tried generating new keys. I keep getting the same error.

You can open a new topic in the NGC forum, which will only deal with DeepStream related issues.

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thanks, @junshengy cc’ @asif.jamshed , already created a new topic that only deals with DeepStream-related issues as below.