No -lmkl_pgi_thread

When I want to link to mkl with parallel,
it shows me “cannot find -lmkl_pgi_thread”

but if I try “-lmkl_sequential”, it’s successful but can’t be parallel.

P.S. I follow the FAQ in PGI website.

Hi afai,

It’s best to use the link line advisor: Link Line Advisor for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library. If you are using this, you might not have the Intel MKL version necessary to perform parallel jobs. It would probably also be better if you provided all your link options so that “we” can see if you’ve forgotten anything.


OK, I use the link advisor and found there no pgi with the intel composer XE sp1. Does that mean I need to use MKL 11.1 for parallel job?

By the way, I also test the runtime between ifort and pgf90. The difference is nearly one second, so I’ll use -lmkl_sequential instead of -lmkl-pgi-thread.