No Motion Module Frame D435i in docker

I am using Ubuntu 22.04 ROS2 Humble for Visual SLAM Project using Realsense Camera D435i.

I have followed this Realsense setup tutorial. I can open the docker using ./scripts/ Noted that if I want this docker to run successfully, I need to delete ~/.docker, otherwise it will give me nvidia runtime not found error

However, therealsense-viewer inside the docker is weird, I can only access the stereo module and RGB Module. I cannot access the motion module, which will keep throwing me this error:
messenger-libusb.cpp:42 - control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11

When I run the quickstart, the rviz is successfully show up and all stuff is success, but when I echo the imu topic, it did not return any data, I am very confused.

The lack of motion module let me fail to run the visual slam tutorial, which showing me /map frame not exist and /imu topic also remain blank.

When I compile the realsense_ros outside the container, everything is working including Stereo Module, RGB and Motion Module, so I suspect something wrong in the docker part to missed the Motion Module from realsense camera. Please help me, thx very much.

Hi @wongpeisen ,

Thanks for your post.

messenger-libusb.cpp:42 - control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11

The error look the same as this topic - D435I not use camera when use IMU.

Please review RealSense versions. It is required to use RealSense firmware version, librealsense version 2.55.1 and RealSense camera ROS driver version 4.51.1. Any deviation from these versions will break Isaac ROS examples.


I update to firmware and now it is working, thx

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