I am using Ubuntu 22.04 ROS2 Humble for Visual SLAM Project using Realsense Camera D435i.
I have followed this Realsense setup tutorial. I can open the docker using ./scripts/run_dev.sh
. Noted that if I want this docker to run successfully, I need to delete ~/.docker
, otherwise it will give me nvidia runtime not found error
However, therealsense-viewer
inside the docker is weird, I can only access the stereo module and RGB Module. I cannot access the motion module, which will keep throwing me this error:
messenger-libusb.cpp:42 - control_transfer returned error, index: 768, error: Resource temporarily unavailable, number: 11
When I run the quickstart, the rviz is successfully show up and all stuff is success, but when I echo the imu topic, it did not return any data, I am very confused.
The lack of motion module let me fail to run the visual slam tutorial, which showing me /map frame not exist and /imu topic also remain blank.
When I compile the realsense_ros outside the container, everything is working including Stereo Module, RGB and Motion Module, so I suspect something wrong in the docker part to missed the Motion Module from realsense camera. Please help me, thx very much.