No movement happens in the virtual screen

Our product is an MR headset called RhinoX

Our device has been adapted for CloudXR 3.1.1 and SteamVR, and it works fine with the SteamVR program. However, I use Omniverse XR to stream to the headset, the headset position information is not updated (I have moved in reality, but no movement happens in the virtual screen), other functions work fine, such as rotation information, using the joystick for teleportation in the scene.

I have looked up the official documentation and adjusted possible settings in Omniverse XR, but I still haven’t found the reason.Can anyone give me some advice on how to solve this problem?Thanks!

1.Omniverse XR 2022.1.0 Beta
2.SteamVR 1.21.12
3.CloudXR 3.1.1

Hey @xiangruli1231,

I’m not familiar with the headset. Which attribute does it update on SteamVR to reflect position? Is it the same SteamVR device as the rotated device?