No NvCvTensorOpsExtension after registry sync

Registry Version : 1.0.0
GXF Core Version : 2.4.3

If I run registry repo sync -n ngc-public I do net get all extensions. I am missing NvCvTensorOpsExtension (NvCvTensorOpsExtension — DeepStream 6.1.1 Release documentation)

Is there a way to install it?


Sorry for misleading. This is a document error. NvCvTensorOopsExtension is not provided in DeepStream. We will remove this part.

Thank you for your quick respone. Now I don’t understand how to use the TensorRT Extentsion. Can you please provide an example graph which explains how to use it.

TensorRT Extentsion is not supported either.

Sorry for the misleading information in our document! We will correct the document soon. Thank you for helping us to find out the document issue!

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