Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
Jetson Orin AGX 64 Gb
Jetpack 6.0 DS
Deepstream 6.4
After manually running
sudo /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/
sudo ldconfig
gst-inspect-1.0 nvurisrcbin shows me that the nvurisrcbin does indeed exist now (was NOT installed with the SDK???)
But it appears there are no python bindings for it?
I tried rebuilding the bindings, following the instructions here for the jetson device:
# DeepStream python bindings
SDK version supported: 7.0
The latest prebuilt release package complete with python bindings and sample applications can be downloaded from the [release section](../../../releases)
for x86, Jetson and SBSA platforms.
This readme describes how to compile and install DeepStream python bindings (henceforth referred as bindings). This process is mainly useful for making customizations in the bindings and compiling it yourself instead of using the prebuilt versions provided in the release section.
The readme is divided into three main parts:
- [DeepStream python bindings](#deepstream-python-bindings)
- [1 Prerequisites](#1-prerequisites)
- [1.1 Deepstream SDK](#11-deepstream-sdk)
- [1.2 Base dependencies](#12-base-dependencies)
- [1.3 Initialization of submodules](#13-initialization-of-submodules)
- [1.4 Installing Gst-python](#14-installing-gst-python)
- [2 Compiling the bindings](#2-compiling-the-bindings)
- [2.1 Quick build 1 (x86-ubuntu-22.04 | python 3.10 | Deepstream 7.0)](#21-quick-build-1-x86-ubuntu-2204--python-310--deepstream-70)
- [2.2 Quick build 2 (Jetson-ubuntu-22.04 | python 3.10 | Deepstream 7.0)](#22-quick-build-2-jetson-ubuntu-2204--python-310--deepstream-70)
- [2.3 Quick build 3 (SBSA-ubuntu-22.04 | python 3.10 | Deepstream 7.0)](#23-quick-build-3-sbsa-ubuntu-2204--python-310--deepstream-70)
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But now I cannot install the python wheel anymore, since it now throws this error:
meson-python: error: Could not find meson version 0.63.3 or newer, found 0.61.2
when I am trying to install the python wheel.
Are you using DS-6.4? DS-6.4 corresponds to v1.1.10
git clone -b v1.1.10
pip3 install --user meson
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
that seems to work locally.
Now I am trying it with a docker container - using this one
as a basis. It doesnt have nvurisrcbin, and
does nothing.
I tried this image:
also no nvurisrcbin
How do I install this part of DS 6.4 in a dedicated DS 6.4 container?
The docker image has DeepStream installed. No additional installation required.
How did you run docker? Try the following command line.
sudo docker run -it --rm --net=host --runtime nvidia -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -w /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix
If it doesn’t work, I suggest you re-burn the AGX orin.
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks
July 9, 2024, 2:52am
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