Can you confirm how you connect to port 5 (per System Overview - NVIDIA Docs)? Are you connected directly from a host machine or via a switch or larger network?
If connected directly make sure your host is on the same subnet as the BMC → 192.168.1.x. Eg. manually assign to your host.
If on a larger network or via a switch, check if you have a DHCP server running that has assigned a new IP address to the BMC and if you can ping it on that address. For trouble shooting it is usually easier to have a direct connection between the BMC and a host.
Can you confirm what type system you are using? Is it a IGX Dev Kit? Can you confirm that the IGX system power supply is turned on? Is this a brand new IGX system or has it been used previously? Did it not respond from the initial power-on or was the BMC reachable in the past? If it was reachable before, what steps were taken after the initial power-on? Is a BaseOS installed on the IGX or is it otherwise empty still?
Here are the answers to your questions in order:
It is an IGX Dev Kit.
Yes, the IGX was turned on.
I am the third person to have this kit.
I have not been able to reach the BMC. I am unsure about previous users.
An OS is installed.
Could you share a photo of your setup, and the ifconfig command. You probably made sure that eno1 is the correct portname, but I want to double check this. Sometimes the name can be differnet.