noob question: invalid configuration argument

I am getting hung up on a simple problem. With depth = 3, the code runs, but for higher depths I get a runtime error saying “Cuda error: Kernel execution failed in file ‘’ in line 120 : invalid configuration argument” after the first kernel call.

__global__ void count_zero_kernel(int* count, int res, int cbs)


	const int x = blockIdx.x*cbs + threadIdx.x;

	const int y = blockIdx.y*cbs + threadIdx.y;

	const int z = blockIdx.z*cbs + threadIdx.z;

	const unsigned int i = ((z*res) + y)*res + x;

	count[i] = 0;


__global__ void count_kernel(float3* pos, int* count, int res, int num)


	const unsigned int i = blockIdx.x*pts_block_size + threadIdx.x;

	if (i >= num)


	int x = pos[i].x * res;

	int y = pos[i].y * res;

	int z = pos[i].z * res;

	atomicAdd(count + ((z*res + y)*res + x), 1);//count[(z*res + y)*res + x]++;


extern "C" void count_pts(int depth_)


	depth = depth_;

	int res = 1 << depth;

	int count_num = res*res*res;

	// alloc and zero on device

	cudaMalloc((void**)&d_count, count_num*sizeof(int));

	int cbs = min(8, res);

	dim3 cz_blocks(res / cbs, res / cbs, res / cbs);

	dim3 cz_threads(cbs, cbs, cbs);

	count_zero_kernel<<<cz_blocks, cz_threads>>>(count, res, cbs);

	CUT_CHECK_ERROR("Kernel execution failed");

	// count the points

	count_kernel<<<pts_grid_size, pts_block_size>>>(d_pts_pos, d_count, res, pts.num);

	CUT_CHECK_ERROR("Kernel execution failed");


where are pts_grid_size and pts_block_size declared?

Sorry, pts.num depends on the input data, and can be on the order of 10k to 100k or more. Elsewhere those are declared as:

#define pts_block_size 256

int pts_grid_size = ceil(pts.num / (float)pts_block_size);

I should have trimmed down the code a bit more to isolate the problem, because the first kernel is failing, before the second kernel is reached. Trimmed down, the code that is failing looks like:

__global__ void count_zero_kernel(int* count, int res, int cbs)


	const int x = blockIdx.x*cbs + threadIdx.x;

	const int y = blockIdx.y*cbs + threadIdx.y;

	const int z = blockIdx.z*cbs + threadIdx.z;

	const unsigned int i = ((z*res) + y)*res + x;

	count[i] = 0;


extern "C" void count_pts(int depth_)


	depth = depth_;

	int res = 1 << depth;

	int count_num = res*res*res;

	// alloc and zero on device

	cudaMalloc((void**)&d_count, count_num*sizeof(int));

	int cbs = min(8, res);

	dim3 cz_blocks(res / cbs, res / cbs, res / cbs);

	dim3 cz_threads(cbs, cbs, cbs);

	count_zero_kernel<<<cz_blocks, cz_threads>>>(count, res, cbs);

	CUT_CHECK_ERROR("Kernel execution failed");


what is count in this line?

You are so right. Count was an int* for memory allocated on the host. I changed that line to use d_count, which is allocated on the device:

count_zero_kernel<<<cz_blocks, cz_threads>>>(d_count, res, cbs);

Unfortunately, the kernel still crashes. I should say that d_count is also an int*.

afaik this cannot work, grids are only two-dimensional.


correct, grids are 1D or 2D while blocks can be 1D, 2D, or 3D.

That was the problem. 3D grids don’t work. Thanks a lot for the help! It would be nice if 3D grids would work though, to process volumetric data. Will that capability appear in some future version of CUDA?

The maximum z grid dimension of 1 is a hardware device property. Conceivably, a new hardware chip could provide the capability for 3D grids.