Nsight Graphics: warning about invalid layer manifest file version 1.2.0

Using Nsight Graphics 2020.2 causes these warnings when starting my application:

[Debug][Warning][General]"loaderAddLayerProperties: C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA Corporation\\Nsight Graphics 2020.2.0\\target\\windows-desktop-nomad-x64\\VK_LAYER_NV_nomad_release_public_2020_2_0.json invalid layer manifest file version 1.2.0.  May cause errors."
[Debug][Warning][General]"loaderAddLayerProperties: C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA Corporation\\Nsight Graphics 2020.2.0\\target\\windows-desktop-nomad-x64\\VK_LAYER_NV_GPU_Trace_release_public_2020_2_0.json invalid layer manifest file version 1.2.0.  May cause errors."

Not a real problem but annoying.
Note that the current max version for validation layers is 1.1.2.
SEe https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Loader/blob/master/loader/LoaderAndLayerInterface.md#layer-manifest-file-format.

Hello, this issue has been fixed in our most recent release Nsight Graphics 2020.3 which can be found here Nsight Graphics.

Kind Regards,

Yes, I can confirm that the issue is fixed.

That’s great and thanks for letting us know.