Nvargus fails to recover when an erroneous image frame appears due to external vibration

Hi, teachers
Platform: Xavier r32.7.2

Phenomenon: When the device is shaking, a sensor will have a flow-screen phenomenon. The video and log are as follows.

syslog.1.txt (127.3 KB)

Preliminary analysis: the signal is unstable due to the vibration, the csi error does not receive the frame end signal, and nvargus fails to clear the bad buffer, resulting in packet collision between the two frames. Restarting argus can restore normal.

Looking for help:

  1. Is there a patch for nvargus that can clear the wrong buffer when similar problems occur, so that the screen can return to normal;
    2, in this case, is there a log that can be grabbed to another thread to restart nvargus

Try the userAutoExposure in the MMAPI sample code.
This sample will terminal itself while receive error event.

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