NVC++ v21.3 ::omp_target_is_present crashes the program

tldr the program below triggers a segfault. Note, the V<0|1|2..> comments. V0 shows the problem. V1 is a workaround (isnt it ?), the others are just here to check if the compiler is still sane in the membrane.

As per the omp std 5.0 I dont think this code is invalid (the V0 case at least). If it is, why and how to produce the expected behavior in a legal manner.

Now the code and the stack trace below.

#include <omp.h>
#include <iostream>

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
    const int gpu_count = ::omp_get_num_devices();
    std::cout << gpu_count << " gpu" << std::endl;
    const int device_num = ::omp_get_default_device();
    std::cout << device_num << " default gpu" << std::endl;

    double a = 41;
    double* a_host_pointer = &a;
    std::cout << "GetDevicePointer0" << a_host_pointer << std::endl;

    std::cout << "GetDevicePointer1 " << *a_host_pointer << std::endl;
    *a_host_pointer = 42;
    std::cout << "GetDevicePointer1 " << *a_host_pointer << std::endl;

    // V0
    std::cout << ::omp_target_is_present( a_host_pointer, device_num ) << std::endl; // Expect 0  but crashes (bad)

    // V1
    // #pragma omp target enter data map(to: a_host_pointer[0:0])
    // #pragma omp target exit data map(delete: a_host_pointer[0:0])
    // std::cout << ::omp_target_is_present( a_host_pointer, device_num ) << std::endl; // Expect 0 and gives 0 (good)

    // V2
    // std::cout << ::omp_target_is_present( a_host_pointer, device_num ) << std::endl; // Expect 0 but crashes (bad)

    // #pragma omp target enter data map(to: a_host_pointer[0:1])
    // #pragma omp target exit data map(delete: a_host_pointer[0:1])

    // V3
    // #pragma omp target exit data map(delete: a_host_pointer[0:1]) // ~~ legal

    // std::cout << ::omp_target_is_present( a_host_pointer, device_num ) << std::endl; // Expect 0 and gives 0 (good)

    // #pragma omp target enter data map(to: a_host_pointer[0:1])
    // #pragma omp target exit data map(delete: a_host_pointer[0:1])

Compile/run commands:

$ nvc++ test.cc -mp=gpu -Minfo=mp
$ srun a.out --gres=gpu:1 <other stuff machine related>


1 gpu
0 default gpu
GetDevicePointer1 41
GetDevicePointer1 42
srun: error: <>: task 0: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Thanks EtienneM,

I actually found the same issue in one of my codes not long ago so have already reported the issue to engineering. Looks like they have it fixed in the upcoming 22.5 release.

% nvc++ -mp=gpu -Minfo=mp test.cpp -V22.5 -DV0; a.out
8 gpu
0 default gpu
GetDevicePointer1 41
GetDevicePointer1 42
% nvc++ -mp=gpu -Minfo=mp test.cpp -V22.5 -DV1 ; a.out
     26, Generating target enter data map(to: a_host_pointer[:0])
         Generating target exit data map(delete: a_host_pointer[:0]) finalize
8 gpu
0 default gpu
GetDevicePointer1 41
GetDevicePointer1 42
% nvc++ -mp=gpu -Minfo=mp test.cpp -V22.5 -DV2 ; a.out
     45, Generating target enter data map(to: a_host_pointer[:1])
         Generating target exit data map(delete: a_host_pointer[:1]) finalize
8 gpu
0 default gpu
GetDevicePointer1 41
GetDevicePointer1 42
% nvc++ -mp=gpu -Minfo=mp test.cpp -V22.5 -DV3 ; a.out
     40, Generating target exit data map(delete: a_host_pointer[:1]) finalize
     45, Generating target enter data map(to: a_host_pointer[:1])
         Generating target exit data map(delete: a_host_pointer[:1]) finalize
8 gpu
0 default gpu
GetDevicePointer1 41
GetDevicePointer1 42
